Indeed, no numbers exist to support claims that Web addiction is becoming widespread as more people jump on the Internet, partly because academics are just now starting to research the phenomenon.
But consider that this most modern of maladies already has its own online support groups and its own acronym, IAD, for Internet Addiction Disorder, a name assigned in 1995 by New York psychiatrist Ivan K. Goldberg. And reflecting the cyberworld's indecision over whether to treat "webaholism" as a joke or a serious problem, one "Netaholics" web site offers this Serenity Prayer:
"Almighty webmaster, grant me the serenity to know when to log off, the courage to know when to check e-mail, and the wisdom to stay away from chat rooms."
Introduced in 1991, the World Wide Web, a graphical, point-and-click way to move around the Internet, has made cyberspace easy and accessible to common folk, even those who can barely get their microwaves to defrost a roast.
But the new technology that has lured an estimated 24 million U.S. and Canadian users into cyberspace -- to its chat rooms, fantasy games, home pages, newsgroups and e-mail -- also has made it difficult for some of them to return to Earth.
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But consider that this most modern of maladies already has its own online support groups and its own acronym, IAD, for Internet Addiction Disorder, a name assigned in 1995 by New York psychiatrist Ivan K. Goldberg. And reflecting the cyberworld's indecision over whether to treat "webaholism" as a joke or a serious problem, one "Netaholics" web site offers this Serenity Prayer:
"Almighty webmaster, grant me the serenity to know when to log off, the courage to know when to check e-mail, and the wisdom to stay away from chat rooms."
Introduced in 1991, the World Wide Web, a graphical, point-and-click way to move around the Internet, has made cyberspace easy and accessible to common folk, even those who can barely get their microwaves to defrost a roast.
But the new technology that has lured an estimated 24 million U.S. and Canadian users into cyberspace -- to its chat rooms, fantasy games, home pages, newsgroups and e-mail -- also has made it difficult for some of them to return to Earth.
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